Love is Natural.

It’s funny how even when I don’t consciously look for heart shaped leaves, they just appear out of nowhere. No kidding! It’s kind of cool though, because they’re like little messages from the universe saying, “Hey Elaine, we’re in on your little project too.” So here are random messages from Mother Nature by photos of my friends and myself reminding us to take care and love the earth we are in ; ). Enjoy!

found this leaf while jogging!

What can I say? Love can kinda sting sometimes ; )

Water drops from Ananda

Beautiful leaf and tiny flowers from Sheila

How awesome is this cloud?!?!?

This leaf came from a stem with a bunch of other leaves that did NOT look like this one at all. This one is special! : )

in Baguio with my sister

Love mother nature. It's the only one we've got.

Phuket, Thailand from Mika

Canadian Carvings from Meghan

Pumice stone found in Australia from Millie

Isn't this cool?? Water forming a heart shape from Rory

This heart was made of volcanic rock